Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community
I was born in South Bend, Indiana in late December of 1963 to James and Christine Pettit, the youngest of the three Pettit children. I attended Holy Cross Catholic School in South Bend, Jesse L. Dickinson Middle School, and South Bend LaSalle High School.
I attended Indiana University Bloomington where I majored in governmental affairs in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA), and earned a Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs in 1986 with a specialization in both Urban Affairs and Community Development & Planning.
In 1997, I was offered the opportunity, by then Town Manager Thomas Keilman and the Merrillville Town Council, to become the town’s Planning and Building Administrator. I have called Merrillville home since 1997. I was elevated to Town Manager in 1999 and served as Town Manager until 2001. I went to the Town of Schererville to serve as Director of Operations for four years.
In 2003, I defeated the 16-year incumbent republican councilman and have faithfully and diligently served the residents of Ward 6 ever since.
I have been happily married to my wife Kathy, who is a lifelong Merrillville resident for 24 years. We are proud parents of our beautiful daughter Gracie, a 2022 graduate of Andrean High School and a freshman at Lawrence University in Wisconsin.

Town Council Experience
Personal Resume
Currently President of the Town's Redevelopment Commission (2004 to present)
Served as Town Council Present in 2007 & 2011
Currently serving as your Ward 6 Town Council Representative
Plan Commission member 2004-2006, 2008-2010, and from 2012 to the present
Current Chairman of the Dean and Barbara White Council Committee
Current Chairman of the Economic Development Council Committee
Current Chairman of the Council Affairs Committee concentrating on new Town Ordinances
Current Chairman of the Elections, Public Relations, and Town Beautification Committee

Real Estate Manager for Lamar Outdoor Advertising Company, Merrillville
Director of Operations for the Town of Schererville from 2001-2005
Graduate of the Indiana Economic Development Academy, Ball State University in 2002
Town Manager, Town of Merrillville 1999-2001
Planning and Building Administrator, Town of Merrillville, 1997-1999
Transportation Planner, Northwestern Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) 1992-1997
Indiana University, (Bloomington), Bachelor of Science in Public Administration; specializing in Community Development/Planning and Urban Management. 1986 Graduating Class

Community Involvement & Personal Achievements
Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 2004 to present
Chairman of the Crossroads Chamber Annual Awards Gala 2004 to present
Aquinas Catholic School Home & School Association Treasurer 2011 - 2018
Aquinas Catholic School 7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach 2017 & 2018
Merrillville Precinct 12 Committeeman 2006 through 2022
Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce's "Chairman of the Board" 2006 through 2008, 2011, 2013 and 2018
Award Recipient for the Crossroads Chamber "Distinguished Service Award", 2015
Awarded the Northwest Indiana Building and Construction Trades Council's first ever "Service to Labor Award", 2018